Wednesday, April 02, 2008

101 Locust Recipes...

...they taste like chicken! (Only the drumsticks are smaller.)

People have been touting "the perfect food" for a long time. Green smoothies (I almost fell for that one), bananas, not eating--fasting (from a health standpoint) was supposed to be perfect in that it cured everything; it was even supposed to push fillings out as new enamel grew!

Ezekiel bread is one of these. I've read it's the perfect food because Ezekiel survived on it alone for 390 days (plus another 40 later) during a famine, complete proteins involved, all that. If he could do it then, we should do it now! is the reasoning. No need to ponder the fact that it was during a famine, a special circumstance, that it was cooked over cow dung, and that there are many gluten-intolerant people out there who could definitely not eat it.

No, instead let's cash in on this and offer you diets straight from the Bible! We started with the locusts above:

(not actual size. Magnified many times so you can actually see it. Email for recipe.)

This would be part of the "Wild Man" diet, featuring the above beauties and local, organic honey. Also coming soon:

Desert Dishes
Canaanland Cuisine
The Milk and Honey Diet
The South Desert Diet
The Fed-By-Ravens Food Plan


sparrow said...

In Nov 2004 I was in Israel when they were having a terrible time with locusts in the Negev. An enterprising lecturer from the University of Ben Gurion at Beersheva decided to give his students a field trip. They took themselves off to a bit of desert, armed with primus stoves. The project - to catch locusts, cook them and eat them. The verdict was that they tasted like french fries. The headline in the Jerusalem Post which ran the story was "With Ketchup or Mayo?"

Tony M said...

This was a very entertaining read... and I love the "locust drumstick" picture! Thanks for sharing!

Some ants aren't bad, but they'd take quite a while to curb your hunger. (Of course, if you're going "old testament" foods, I think they're off the menu since they crawl on the ground instead of fly through the air.)