Monday, March 24, 2008

Back By Popular Demand

Actually, it was more like, "You should have said 'so-and-so' and 'this person'", etc. So I have added those suggested names to my "who do you think of?" Character associations, thus:

1. Brad Pitt
2. Angelina Jolie
3. Johnny Depp
4. Catherine Zeta-Jones
5. Matt Damon
6. Cameron Diaz
and one extra:
7. Renee Zellweger


Tony M said...

1. Brad Pitt - first one comes to mind is Tristan from Legends of the Fall
2. Angelina Jolie - Lara Croft
3. Johnny Depp - Capt. Jack Sparrow or the guy from Secret Window. Or maybe Don Juan de Marco, or Edward Scissorhands, or Willy Wonka...
4. Catherine Zeta-Jones - The girl in the Zorro movies
5. Matt Damon - is he in a movie? Oh, yeah, Bourne, I guess.
6. Cameron Diaz - Don't know, one of Charlie's Angels, I guess (not a big Diaz fan)
7. Renee Zellweger - wasn't she in the musical/movie Chicago? Probably that one, don't recall the character's name (again, go figure!)

Tony M said...

PS: Don Juan de Marco is definitely not a child-friendly movie!

Hence said...

I won't harp on the character vs. movie any more, I promise.

The people I chose to ask about are not ones I'm necessarily fans of; in the first post I went for the big names. (In fact, a number of these I don't like.) I thought Kate Winslet was a bigger name than she apparently is.

My son wants me to do a reversal next:

"What actor comes to mind when you think of James Bond?" There are fewer of those to choose from...

Tony M said...

James Bond? For me, Roger Moore. He's the first Bond I saw ("Moonraker"), so that's the Bond I know. Sean Connery would be a good one, though, and perhaps Pierce Brosnan (as he's the most recent, not counting the absolute most recent Bond movie which was a total letdown).

Hence said...

Aaaaaccckkk! Are you crazy?? Casino Royale is one of my favorite movies and Daniel Craig is now my favorite Bond!! (And I'm a Bond fan.) Used to be Sean Connery. Never say Roger Moore.

It was sooo much better, dialogue, etc, than the old Bonds!

Anonymous said...

Subbing for Daniel:

1. Ocean's...Rusty
2. ?
3. Sweeny Todd
4. Ocean's 12
5. Linus Caldwell
6. Charlie's Angels

Anonymous said...

Another sub:

1. Ocean's movies
2. Lara Croft
3. Sweeny Todd
4. Chicago--Velma
5. Team America
6. Shrek...then later Best Friend's Wedding

Hence said...


1. Ocean's 12
2. The tabloids are what always come to mind with her.
3. Jack Sparrow (sorry, CAPtain)
4. Isabelle (Ocean's 12)
5. I always think of him as Jason Bourne in the first place...gotta wrack my brains for his real name
6. Charlie's Angels...Natalie
7. Renee--Down with Love (Barbara Novak)

sparrow said...

1) Legends of the Fall
2) A Mighty Heart (she acted well, but the film was overated)
3) Chocolat
4) Zorro
5) Good Will Hunting (awful film)
6) My Best Friend's Wedding (classic Karioke)
7) Beatrix Potter