Sunday, September 23, 2007

What's in Your Heart?

John Eldredge, in what I think was his book "Wild at Heart", says that Christians have had Jeremiah 17:9 pounded into them too much. He says, and I'm quoting from memory so it's not verbatim, that once you become a Christian and are given new life, Christ gives you a new heart as well. Okay, we know that, but he goes on to say, "your heart is good". I have been pondering this ever since. Is the heart still desperately wicked (certainly I've been been told-preached that), or can we actually trust it sometimes? Thoughts?


clstarr88 said...

I think we always have the choice to do good or to do evil and we need to choose good, even after we have been saved. I don't think the heart is desperately wicked, or perfectly good, but it can be tempted. We still sin, but we know that we can ask for forgiveness and be forgiven. I'm not sure exactly how the heart fits in to our choices, but I know our conscience provides us guidance along with prayer, the Bible, and help from other Christians.

Hence said...

Well, the heart at least starts out wicked/deceitful, as Jeremiah says. I just wonder how much it changes after being saved...we are "brand new creatures" as it says; not perfectly good, naturally, but renewed...