Sunday, September 23, 2007

"Don't Tell Me How to Vote"

James Dobson said, back around March, that he didn’t think he’d be voting for Fred Thompson for president because he didn’t think he was a Christian. That’s fine, sir, that’s your prerogative, though I can’t say I think much of your litmus test. I can think of lots of Christians I wouldn’t vote for president with me as the forerunner. I’d make a lousy president, and don’t think being a Christian automatically makes a person presidential material.

The problem with Dobson’s statement, though, and any statements supporting his or someone's candidate of choice, is that many, many Christians will hear them and bleat, and stampede down to the voting booth to vote for whomever that person does condone. I can remember a telling example.

We belonged to a non-denominational church at the time and our Bible study group had met for something other than Bible study; I can’t remember what. What I vividly remember is one lady passing out material and talking about the candidates she assumed -- not in so many words but somehow the implication was there -- everyone there would be voting for.

She was stopped in mid-endorsement by another woman saying, “Don’t tell me who to vote for.” There was quiet as the first lady, mouth still open, looked at her. The second lady said, “By all means, give me your material, discuss the issues, but leave it there. Let me decide. Just don’t (with a slight pause between each word) tell   me   who   to   vote   for."

Bravo!! I wish everyone were so inclined to think for themselves. I also wish that people would realize that this country is not going to be turned around by politics. As A. W. Tozer said:

“One thing must be kept in mind: We Christians are Christians first and everything else after that. Our first allegiance is to the kingdom of God. Our citizenship is in heaven. We are grateful for political freedom. We thank God for democracy as a way of life. But we never forget that we are sons of God and citizens of another city whose builder and maker is God. For this reason, we must not identify the gospel with any political system or make Christianity to be synonymous with any form of government, however noble. Christ stands alone, above and outside of every ideology devised by man. He does not join any of our parties or take sides with any of our great men except as they may come over on His side and try to follow Him in righteousness and true holiness. Then He is for them, but only as individuals, never as leaders of some political faction. The true Christian will be loyal to his country and obedient to those in authority, but he will never fall into the error of confusing his own national culture with Christianity. Christianity is bigger than any country, loftier than any civilization, broader than any human ideology.”

Thanks to this blog for the quote.

1 comment:

Shirley Șerban said...

Amen Amen Amen!!! While I think our political situation here is regarded with more apathy than in the US, this is also one thing that really gets up my nose.

On the weekend of the last election, I was at a beach house with a bunch of friends from church, so of course, politics came up. Nearly ALL my friends in discussion assumed that we were all voting the same way, and were genuinely shocked when I (meekly)whimpered that I wasn't planning to. What followed were a number of attempts to 'convert' me, after which I got mad and laid out exactly why I didn't want to vote for their candidates or party - reasons that I'd given a bunch of thought to.

Anyway, we laugh about it now, but I still cringe when, even when in church, assumptions are made and people think that Christians can only vote one way.

I love that quote from Tozer. Praise God that the politics of heaven actually work!!!