Wednesday, December 19, 2012

And it makes me wonder...

Jesus sure cast out a lot of demons during His time on earth. Really makes me wonder: was there a lot more possession going on back then, or is there as much now and just not recognized as such?


Tony M said...

I'm betting the latter. We have all sorts of fancy psychological terms now, as well as being a more "accepting" society these days, so I'm sure that we're (humans in general) turning a blind eye to possessions (of the demonic type; we're sure turning a covetous eye towards possessions of a material type!). Also, I wonder whether the church has "suppressed" acknowledgement of demonic possession, preferring to solve things from our own intellect and knowledge rather than through His power and maybe just attempting to eliminate those who are possessed rather than attempting to help them (jail, capital punishment, witch hunts, etc.).

Hence said...

My husband made an interesting comment on this; he said that you didn't come across it (much?) in the OT.

And I was reading yesterday in Luke, when they were at the Last Supper, how Satan entered into Judas and then he went to the chief priests and said, "what will you give me..." etc. No throwing in the fire, water, making him dumb. So...

Edward said...

Perhaps dramatic possessions (throwing in the fire, etc.)seem to occur in the 2/3rds world more because it is a power that puts fear into people, given their animistic roots. In western culture there's no need to duly alarm people with those types of possession, when evil can be spread in much more subtle ways. I'm trying to recall relevant parts of Screwtape . . .

Hence said...

And thus have you pointed out how I have fallen into a mistake I have often seen others make: I was thinking of here, what I see around me. I neglected to consider the rest of the world. Undoubtedly it's as you say.