Saturday, December 29, 2007

Why Does Jr. Asparagus Annoy Me?

My daughter is always asking me my favorite this or that; Pooh character (Eeyore), color (depends on if you're talking car, clothing, just to look at). It's hard because I usually don't have one favorite of anything, and the when I do have a few they don't usually stay favorites. I usually just tell her that; no one favorite.

I can't remember if she actually asked me my favorite Veggie Tales character or not, but somehow I started pondering those guys. Bob's the straight guy, and while game, kinda boring. Pa Grape's cool cuz he's feisty, and Larry's mischievous so he's fun.

But for some reason Jr. Asparagus really annoys me. I delved into this topic with my husband, and what we came up with is that he's not a goody-goody, but is something like that. He's....well, besides his aggravatingly squeaky voice, he's....well, just annoying.

Does anyone else find him so?


Tony M said...

Yes, Junior is one of my least favorite Veggies. That being said, I love Veggie Tales... the first time I saw it was when my wife wanted to show it to some Navy friends, and I think it was the one with the two cities (where one wears a shoe and one wears a pot), followed by the space one (or something like that; that was over 10 years ago that we watched it the first time, and I've seen so many now that I get them confused). I think it was also the one w/ "The Hairbrush Song" as the silly song.

We laughed so hard it was painful (my Navy friend and I; both of the wives had already watched the video, but they laughed, too, probably from watching us "grown men" laughing so hard at a kids video). I've enjoyed them all (some a little more than others, but enjoyed them all).

But, yes, I agree, Junior is somewhat annoying.

I love the Bunny Song (the good one, of course).

Hence said...

We saw the first one when it first came out and loved it; been a fan ever since. Frankencelery dancing is (uh oh, don't want to say 'hilarious'...) so funny. (Bleah, that's just no good. Ummm...) Anyway, the Bunny Song is one of the best, for sure, and the Stuff Mart rap.

Interesting...but why? He seems inoffensive enough, so why does he annoy?

Anonymous said...

Aww, How could you hate Junior? He's my favorite. He's so adorable. How could you hate him when you look at him asking his dad for that train set (in the Madame Blueberry- thankfulness episode) but his dad says that they dont have enough money for that but he could get a bouncy balla nd he oes, "okay" and then starts singing that thankfulness song. It's so cute.

Hence said...

I don't hate him, he merely annoys me sometimes. I wasn't even sure why (hence the query).