Thursday, October 11, 2007

Throwing the Beans Out With the Bathwater

Things were ok until rumors started going around that eating fat made you fat.

Suddenly America exploded (blew up?). The experts had told us to eat lots of bread and fat-free sugar instead. Of course, most literate people or people with half an ear now know that all that bread and pasta and fat-free sugar-laden snacks make you fat, not fat. (One exception is Subway restaurants, who still tout "low fat! low fat!" sandwiches with massive amounts of bread.)

We followed their advice. We also followed other advice: First eating eggs and other cholesterol-filled foods caused high cholesterol levels; now they're suggesting that eating cholesterol doesn't raise blood cholesterol levels but rather almost the opposite. Saturated fat used to be horrible for you, now it's noted that it's necessary to absorb calcium and even keep your colon healthy. Living enzymes in raw food is one of the latest promotions, but other studies show that the only reason raw food has lots of living enzymes is that raw food is harder for the body to digest and therefore requires more enzymes. Eight glasses of water were necessary because our thirst indicators are unreliable, then some found people didn't need so much after all (although I think I may be finally convinced I need more than I do drink) and we were shown how people actually died from drinking too much water. (You can find anything online, even that water and the usually inoffensive honey are dangerous.)

Now whole grains are bad in that the phytic acids they contain deplete the body of minerals; but wait, only improperly processed whole-grains (like we eat out here in the West). Basically, it boils down to this: Americans have no clue how to eat anymore. How has it gotten to be so difficult to do something as basic as eating?!?

1 comment:

clstarr88 said...

This is so true!!

Baby care is another subject that has gone through many versions of changes... If you follow what they recommended years ago you would be doing the opposite of what they recommend today...